Sunday, September 16, 2007

Lesson 10 - 两个苹果。

This lesson expored measure words. These are particles in a sentence that are similar to the English remnents: bottles, loaves, pairs... They are something we put before a noun to distinguish its number. ( Ex: I have 2 pairs of pants.)

我有三个好朋友。 wo3 you3 san1 ge hao3peng2you3.
I have 3 good friends.
他有两个书包。 Ta1 you3 liang3 ge shu1 bao1.
He has 2 bookbags.

There are other measure words besides 个. They include but are not limited to 杯,瓶, 碗, 座, 只,个 and many more. Some examples follow.

我有一杯水。 wo3 you3 yi1 bei1 shui3.
I have 1 glass of water.

他有六瓶可乐。ta1 you3 liu4 ping2 ke3le4.
He has 6 bottles of Cola.

Until next time. Peace.

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